Chris Allen
Director, Hemp Federation Ireland
Steve Allin
Director, International Hemp Building Association
Jason Argyris
Researcher at Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) CSIC-IRTA-UABtural Genomics (CRAG)
Roberta Ascrizzi
Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Pharmacy, University of Pisa, Italy
Patrick Atagi
President, National Industrial Hemp Council
Tanja Bagar
CEO and Chairman of the Expert Council of the International Institute for cannabinoids, Slovenia
Lucia Bailoni
Professor, University of Padua
M Ayanda Bam
CEO, BCubed Africa Cannabis Consulting Co-Founder, Friends of Hemp South Africa
Boris Banas
Co-Founder and CSO, CBDepot s.r.o.
Joy Beckerman
Board of Directors, U.S. Hemp Roundtable
Olivier Beghin
CEO and Co-founder, IsoHemp
Charlotte De Bellefroid
Marketing and Communication, IsoHemp
Marco Cappellari
Product manager, VICAT
Kate Carmody
Chairperson of the Irish Hemp Cooperative, Ireland
Andrea Cerrato
Ph.D. student at University of Rome La Sapienza
Cinzia Citti
Post doctoral fellow at the Institute of Nanotechnology of the National Council of Research (CNR NANOTEC)
Antonio Conto
Managing Director, ChemSafe
Rémi Cornerier
Entrepreneur, Chanvre Eco System
Joan Cruanyes
PhD of University of Catalunya, Spain
Monica Cutrignelli
Professor, University of Naples Federico II
Daniel Daviller
Vice-President, Construire en Chanvre
Stefaan Declerck
CEO, Cretes
Stefaan Declerck
CEO, Cretes
Hongliang Ding
President, Hemp Fortex Industries Ltd
Rafael Dulon
Mathieu Ebbesen-Goudin
CEO of VirgoCoop, France
Jonas Eder-Hansen
Public Affairs Director, Global Fashion Agenda
Dannie Elsner
CEO Charlotte’s Web
Christophe Février
General Manager, Hemp-IT Coop
Francesco Folcarelli
Marketing Director, CBD Seed Europe and Business Development Manager at DoddHeres Ltd
Jason Fung
Deputy General Secretary of Chinahemp Alliance, Supply chain manager of Hemp Fortex Industries Ltd
Luca Gelardi
Sales Director nutraceutical ingredients EMEA region
Giovanni Gioia
Ted Haney
President and CEO, Canadian Hemp Trade Asssociation
John Horsfield
Hemp plant supervisor, Harrison Spinks
Adam Jarubas
Member of the European Parliament
Jacek Kramarz
Executive VP, East Hemp Group
Joscha Krauss
CEO, Medical Hemp GmbH
Daniel Kruse
President, EIHA
Marco Manfroni
Policy Officer at the European Commission
Livia Menichetti
Director General of EHPM, the European Federation of Associations of Health Product Manufacturers
Jamie Milton
Software Analytics Consultant & Co-owner, Nature's Data
Francesco Mirizzi
EIHA Senior Policy Advisor
Maria Cristiana Moliterni
CREA - Research Centre C for Genomics and Bioinformatics