Piotr Jastrzebski is the co-owner and Vice-President of Podlaskie Konopie Ltd, which grows industrial plants, including hemp, on 500 ha of land in north-eastern Poland. Podlaskie Konopie Ltd is a hemp farm and hemp processor. They are the main supplier of hemp raw materials for the construction industry in Poland. Piotr is one of the pioneers of hemp construction in Poland, he has 10 years of experience in the cultivation, processing and construction use of hemp on the Polish and European market. Piotr is involved in the development of the hemp construction market as a company representative and as a member of the Polish Natural Building Association (PNBA), on whose board he was for several years. This year, Podlaskie Konopie, together with PNBA, was involved in the Decarbonization of Construction Processes project, during which, among others, Hempcrete fire tests were performed. Piotr is the initiator of introducing innovations, sustainable practices and various regenerative farming techniques on the farm, including the stripp till technique.